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    Entornos de ayuda a la vida independiente de personas mayores sobre servicios de redes de próxima generación

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    El progresivo envejecimiento de la población está produciendo una elevada demanda de servicios socio‐asistenciales por parte de las personas mayores para mantener su vida independiente y el consiguiente “envejecimiento activo”. La iniciativa Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) promueve el “envejecimiento activo” a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) y es en ella donde se centrará el trabajo de esta tesis doctoral. Una característica fundamental de los servicios AAL es su adaptación y personalización a las características y preferencias del usuario y su contexto. Así, el paradigma “context awareness” presenta una gran relevancia en la provisión de servicios AAL y en el soporte a la vida independiente de las personas mayores. Concretamente, la utilización de ontologías permite crear modelos de usuarios y contexto que pueden ser utilizadas para los mecanismos de razonamiento incluidos en los servicios context‐aware. Por otra parte, los usuarios actualmente precisan acceder a un conjunto de servicios desde cualquier red de acceso y desde cualquier dispositivo. Las redes de próxima generación (Next Generation Networks‐NGN) lo hacen posible pues ofrecen una convergencia dispositivo‐red‐servicio. La tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) es una arquitectura que implementa el paradigma NGN y ofrece una serie de servicios de red genéricos llamados servicios habilitadores o enablers que pueden ser reutilizados en cualquier aplicación, soportando mecanismos de interoperabilidad entre aplicaciones y permitiendo un desarrollo robusto, rápido y sencillo. Además, los servicios enablers permiten mecanismos de gestión de la información de usuario para realizar una provisión adaptada del servicio en función de la información del estado del usuario. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en establecer un marco de convergencia entre estos dos campos diseñando y desarrollando un conjunto de servicios enablers soportados en una arquitectura IMS implementada para soportar la provisión de aplicaciones AAL bajo el paradigma context‐awareness y la triple convergencia reddispositivo‐ servicio cubriendo así las necesidades y requisitos de las personas mayores. Entre las aportaciones de la presente tesis se destaca la realización de un modelo de plataforma servicios AAL, denominado Residencia Virtual Asistiva, para su provisión en el domicilio de la persona mayor, así como la propuesta de implementación de sus servicios a través de servicios enablers. Por otra parte se define una ontología destinada a modelar servicios AAL así como sus usuarios (personas mayores) para lograr una provisión personalizada y adaptada de servicios AAL. Esta ontología se ha implementado a través del servicio de presencia de la arquitectura IMS para poder crear perfiles de usuario y así poder realizar dicha provisión personalizada. Además, se desarrolla una aplicación de teleconsulta, como ejemplo de servicio AAL, que utiliza una serie de servicios enablers desarrollados para ofrecer funcionalidades avanzadas a la aplicación. Bajo el paradigma contex‐awareness se ha desarrollado y evaluado técnicamente un servicio enabler para ofrecer soporte a la movilidad y a la independencia de las personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo que sufren episodios de desorientación espacial. ABSTRACT The progressive ageing of the population is making elderly people demand sociohealthcare services to maintain an independent living and therefore an “active ageing”. The initiative Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), on which the current PhD thesis is focused, promotes the “active ageing” by means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Essential features of AAL services are the adaptation and personalization to the user’s characteristics and preferences as well as user’s context. Thus, the “context‐awareness” paradigm implies a great importance in the AAL service provision and the elderly independent living support. In particular, the usage of ontologies allows creating user and contexts models to be employed in the reasoning mechanism of context‐aware services. On the other hand, users currently require accessing to a set of services from anywhere and any device. Next‐Generation Networks (NGN) support this need by offering a service‐network‐device convergence. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology is an architecture that implements the NGN paradigm and offers a generic network services know as service enabler which can be reused by any application supporting application interoperability mechanism as well as allowing a simple, fast and robust application development. Furthermore, the service enablers offer user’s information management procedures to achieve and adapt service provision considering the user’s status. The objective of this PhD thesis is focused on establishing a convergence framework between these two previous fields by designing and developing a group of service enablers that will be deployed in an IMS architecture. The enablers developed will support the AAL applications provision from the context‐awareness paradigm and service‐network‐device convergence in order to cover the elderly people’s requirements and needs. Among the contributions achieved in this PhD thesis, the definition of an AAL platform service model, named as “Assited Virtual Nursing Home”, for being deployed in the older adult home is emphasised. In addition, a proposal of service enablers to support the AAL service defined in the model is made. Otherwise, an ontology is defined to model AAL services as well as their users with the aim at achieve a personalized and adapted AAL service. This ontology has been implemented by means of the IMS service presence in order to create users profiles to be used in the personalized AAL services. As an example of AAL service, a teleconsulting application has been developed to employ a group of service enablers developed using a set of advanced functionalities. Considering the context‐paradigm, a service enabler has been developed and technologically evaluated to support the mobility and independence of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment who suffers spatial disorientation episodes

    Transport and Combustion of Firebrands. Final Report of Grants FG-SP-114 and FG-SP-146 Vol. II

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    A theoretical and experimental study has been carried out on the combustion properties and flight paths of firebrands when they are carried upwards by convective currents and then forwards by the winds. The study has shown that the flight paths of firebrands can be fall decreases continuously as the firebrand burns. Several types of wind tunnels have been developed especially designed to study combustion of firebrands at their final velocity of fall. The study has also show that combustion of firebrands at constant wind speed. The influence of the initial size and initial shape of the firebrands, kind of wood and initial moisture content has been studied, as well as the influence of several types convection columns configurations. Results of these studies enable the calculation of the maximum range of possible fire spread by firebrands of given initial characteristics, once the convective currents above the fire are known as vell as the horizontal wind conditions

    Design and technical evaluation of an enhanced location-awareness service enabler for spatial disorientation management of elderly with mild cognitive impairment

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    The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to “context-awareness” paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences

    AALUMO: a user model ontology for ambient assisted living services supported in next-generation networks

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    Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services are emerging as context-awareness solutions to support elderly people?s autonomy. The context-aware paradigm makes applications more user-adaptive. In this way, context and user models expressed in ontologies are employed by applications to describe user and environment characteristics. The rapid advance of technology allows creating context server to relieve applications of context reasoning techniques. Specifically, the Next Generation Networks (NGN) provides by means of the presence service a framework to manage the current user's state as well as the user's profile information extracted from Internet and mobile context. This paper propose a user modeling ontology for AAL services which can be deployed in a NGN environment with the aim at adapting their functionalities to the elderly's context information and state

    AMELIE: Authoring Multimedia-Enhanced Learning Interactive Environment for e-Health Contents

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    This paper presents the AMELIE Authoring Tool for e-health applications. AMELIE provides the means for creating video-based contents with a focus on e-learning and telerehabilitation processes. The main core of AMELIE lies in the efficient exploitation of raw multimedia resources, which may be already available at clinical centers or recorded ad hoc for learning purposes by health professionals. Three real use cases scenarios involving different target users are presented: (1) cognitive skills? training of surgeons in minimally invasive surgery (medical professionals), (2) training of informal carers for elderly home assistance and (3) cognitive rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injury. Preliminary validation in the field of surgery hints at the potential of AMELIE; and its versatility in different medical applications is patent from the use cases described. Regardless, new validation studies are planned in the three main application areas identified in this work

    Over-expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in pituitary adenomas is associated with extrasellar growth and recurrence

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    Some pituitary adenomas (PA) demonstrate aggressive behavior with local invasion and recurrences. Angiogenesis is regarded as an essential step in the formation of solid tumors. The aim of this study is to find out whether angiogenic factors may have information about the aggressiveness of PA that could be useful in determining the frequency of follow-up and whether adjuvant therapy is necessary. In this retrospective descriptive study, we evaluated vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) and VEGF receptor (KDR) mRNA expression by RT-PCR analysis on 46 human PA samples. Clinical data, histological subtype and radiologic characteristics were studied to determine the associations between the variables and the pre-operative behavior of the tumor. In addition, we monitored 12 patients without adjuvant post-operative therapies over 46 months after surgery, determining progression of tumor remnants and its association with these markers. VEGF expression correlates with KDR expression (r = 0.40, p = 0.006). VEGF demonstrates different expression between histological subtypes (p = 0.036). The extension at magnetic resonance imaging showed that VEGF expression was related to suprasellar extension (p = 0.007), being expressed more on tumors with extrasellar growth than intrasellar ones (p = 0.008). Our results demonstrate a 27.5 times increased risk of extrasellar growth when VEGF expression exceeds 0.222 normalized copy number (NCN) (p = 0.002). Likewise, tumors with KDR greater than 0.750 NCN had less recurrence-free survival time (p = 0.032). Our results suggest that the expression of VEGF and its receptor could be a marker for poor outcome after partial tumor resection. These data should be considered in future studies evaluating angiogenic factors as therapeutic targets in patients with PA

    Lematización y visualización cartográfica del corpus CODEA. Formas de la conjunción 'y' en el norte de Castilla medieval

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    A pesar de que en la lingüística de corpus existen controversias en cuanto a la manera de lematizar o agrupar las formas flexivas en una forma principal, hay consenso entre los investigadores sobre su utilidad en distintos niveles de estudio. Especialmente en el nivel gráfico, fonológico y morfológico, la lematización es fundamental sin ningún género de dudas. En la práctica, en el inventario de formas lematizadas, no se nos puede escapar ninguna variante rara, poco frecuente, en la observación total de la agrupación. Como ejemplo de la importancia de la lematización de documentos antiguos españoles, hemos analizado distintas formas de la conjunción 'y', que es peculiar en castellano al lado de la forma general en las lenguas históricamente relacionadas. Efectivamente, las variantes precursoras de la forma se han encontrado con anterioridad al siglo XV, y nos sirven de importantes indicadores para aproximarnos a su aparición repentina en el mismo siglo, con la llegada de la nueva letra humanística. Anteriormente, la forma latente estaba oculta bajo la letra gótica en forma del signo tironiano . Veremos las razones del cambio histórico de a en el castellano medieval, que se caracteriza por la abundancia estadística del diptongo creciente, , idiosincrásico del castellano en contraste con las lenguas colindantes. Al finalizar el estudio, presentamos la historia de la conjunción en su dimensión geohistórica con visualizaciones cartográficas.Although there are controversies in the corpus linguistics as to the way of lemmatizing or grouping the inflective forms in a main form, their usefulness at different levels of study is admitted in the consensus of researchers. Especially at the graphic, phonological and morphological level, lemmatization is essential without any doubt. In practice, in the inventory of lemmatized forms, we do not miss a rare, infrequent variant, in the total observation of the grouping. As an example of the utility of lematization of old Spanish documents, we have analyzed different forms of the conjunction , which is peculiar in Spanish in comparison with the general form of in historically related languages. Indeed, the precursor variants of the form have been found before the fifteenth century, which serve as important indicators to approximate their sudden appearance in the same century, with the arrival of the new humanistic letter. Previously the latent form was hidden under the Gothic letter in the form of the Tironian sign . We look for the reasons of the historical change from to in medieval Castilian, which is characterized by the statistical abundance of the rising diphthong, , idiosyncratic of Castilian in contrast to the surrounding languages. At the end of the study, we present the history of the conjunction in its geohistorical dimension with cartographic visualizations

    Lematización y visualización cartográfica del corpus CODEA. Formas de la conjunción ‘y’ en el norte de Castilla medieval

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    Although there are controversies in the corpus linguistics as to the way of lemmatizing or grouping the inflective forms in a main form, their usefulness at different levels of studyis admitted in the consensus of researchers. Especially at the graphic, phonological and morphological level, lemmatization is essential without any doubt. In practice, in the inventory of lemmatized forms, we do not miss a rare, infrequent variant, in the total observation of the grouping. As an example of the utility of lematization of old Spanish documents, we have analyzed different forms of the conjunction , which is peculiar in Spanish in comparison with the general form of in historically related languages. Indeed, the precursor variants of the form have been found before the fifteenth century, which serve as important indicators to approximate their sudden appearance in the same century, with the arrival of the new humanistic letter. Previously the latent form was hidden under the Gothic letter in the form of the Tironian sign <&>. We look for the reasons of the historical change from to in medieval Castilian, which is characterized by the statistical abundance of the rising diphthong, , idiosyncratic of Castilian in contrast to the surrounding languages. At the end of the study, we present the history of the conjunction in its geohistorical dimension with cartographic visualizations.A pesar de que en la lingüística de corpus existen controversias en cuanto a la manera de lematizar o agrupar las formas flexivas en una forma principal, hay consenso entre los investigadores sobre su utilidad en distintos niveles de estudio. Especialmente en el nivel gráfico, fonológico y morfológico, la lematización es fundamental sin ningún género de dudas. En la práctica, en el inventario de formas lematizadas, no se nos puede escapar ninguna variante rara, poco frecuente, en la observación total de la agrupación. Como ejemplo de la importancia de la lematización de documentos antiguos españoles, hemos analizado distintas formas de la conjunción ‘y’, que es peculiar en castellano al lado de la forma general en las lenguas históricamente relacionadas. Efectivamente, las variantes precursoras de la forma se han encontrado con anterioridad al siglo XV, y nos sirven de importantes indicadores para aproximarnos a su aparición repentina en el mismo siglo, con la llegada de la nueva letra humanística. Anteriormente, la forma latente estaba oculta bajo la letra gótica en forma del signo tironiano <&>. Veremos las razones del cambio histórico de a en el castellano medieval, que se caracteriza por la abundancia estadística del diptongo creciente, , idiosincrásico del castellano en contraste con las lenguas colindantes. Al finalizar el estudio, presentamos la historia de la conjunción en su dimensión geohistórica con visualizaciones cartográficas

    Escala de creencias docentes sobre las dificultades de aprendizaje de las matemáticas en Educación Primaria

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    Resumen Los factores influyentes en las Dificultades de Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas (DAM) son un campo de estudio ampliamente estudiado, hoy en día, y entre estos factores destacan las creencias de los maestros/as. Por lo tanto, es necesario contar con instrumentos válidos y fiables para conocer como estas creencias de los maestros pueden influir en las DAM en los niños y niñas. El propósito de este estudio es construir un instrumento para conocer las creencias del profesorado y como estas influyen en las DAM. En el estudio participaron 390 maestros y maestras de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura. Se realizó un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) para la validación del instrumento. En conclusión, se pudo comprobar que la escala de creencias docentes sobre las DAM en Educación Primaria manifestó índices de ajuste muy buenos en el AFE, presentando una excelente consistencia interna (.914) (Cronbach), por lo tanto, se confirma la validez del instrumento


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    The aims of the present study has been to identify different groups of students, with homogeneous profiles, for the different dimensions that make up the physical self-concept, and to establish differences in relation to body dissatisfaction, body mass index, and physical activity. A total of 303 adolescents, male (150) and female (152), aged between 10-13 years (M = 11.74) belonging to different primary education centers participated in the study. The PSPP questionnaire was used for the evaluation of physical self-concept, Stunkard figures for body satisfaction, BMI, and the PAQ-A questionnaire for the evaluation of physical activity. Descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, cluster analysis, and ANOVA of a factor were made to establish differences between the variables. The results showed the establishment of 4 different profiles in relation to the different dimensions of the physical self-concept. Likewise, significant differences were shown between BMI, physical activity, and body satisfaction between profiles derived from self-concept. As a conclusion, 4 different profiles are established regarding the dimensions of physical self-concept among which there are differences around BMI, levels of FA, and body satisfaction.El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar diferentes grupos de estudiantes, con perfiles homogéneos, para las distintas dimensiones que componen el autoconcepto físico, y establecer diferencias en relación a la insatisfacción corporal, índice de masa corporal, y actividad física. Un total de 303 adolescentes, masculinos (150) y femeninos (152), con edades comprendidas entre los 10-13 años (M = 11.74) pertenecientes a diferentes centros de Educación Primaria participaron en el estudio. Se empleó el cuestionario PSPP para la valoración del autoconcepto físico, las figuras de Stunkard para la satisfacción corporal, el IMC, y el cuestionario PAQ-A para la valoración de la actividad física. Se realizaron estadísticosdescriptivos, correlaciones de bivariadas, analisis de cluster, y ANOVA de un factor para establecer diferencias entre las variables. Los resultados mostraron el establecimiento de 4 perfiles distintos en relación a las distintas dimensiones del autoconcepto físico. Asimismo, se mostraron diferencias significativas entre el IMC, la actividad física, y la satisfacción corporal entre los perfiles derivados del autoconcepto. A modo de conclusión se establecen 4 perfiles distintos respecto las dimensiones del autoconcepto físico entre las cuales existen diferencias en torno al IMC, niveles de AF, y satisfacción corporal.Целью настоящего исследования было выявить различные группы студентов с однородными профилями по различным измерениям, составляющим физическую самооценку, и установить различия в отношении неудовлетворенности телом, индекса массы тела и физической активности. В исследовании приняли участие 303 подростка мужского (150) и женского (152) пола в возрасте 10-13 лет (М = 11,74) из разных начальных школ. Для оценки физической самооценки использовался опросник PSPP, для оценки удовлетворенности телом - показатели Стункарда, ИМТ, для оценки физической активности - опросник PAQ-A. Для установления различий между переменными были проведены описательная статистика, двумерные корреляции, кластерный анализ и однофакторный ANOVA. Результаты показали наличие 4 различных профилей в отношении различных измерений физической самооценки. Также были обнаружены значительные различия между ИМТ, физической активностью и удовлетворенностью телом среди профилей, полученных на основе самооценки. В заключение, было установлено 4 различных профиля в отношении измерений физической самооценки, среди которых существуют различия по ИМТ, уровню ПА и удовлетворенности телом.本研究的目的是针对构成身体自我概念的不同维度,确定具有相同特征的不同学生群体,并确定与身体满意度、体重指数和身体活动方面有关的差异。共有 303 名青少年参与了研究,其中包括150名男性和152名女性,年龄在 10-13 岁 (M = 11.74),在不同的小学上学。我们应用PSPP 问卷评估身体自我概念,Stunkard 数据用于评估身体满意度,BMI,PAQ-A 问卷用于评估身体活动。研究进行了描述性统计、双变量相关性、聚类分析和单向方差分析以确定变量之间的差异。研究结果根据与身体自我概念的不同维度将参与者分为4类。同样,BMI、身体活动和身体满意度在源自自我概念的概况之间也存在显着差异。作为结论,研究按照身体自我概念的维度将参与者分为4类,他们在BMI、PA水平和身体满意度方面存在差异